The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays

The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays – February 5, 2020

Not guilty: Republican run senate acquits President Donald Trump of impeachment charges Democratic Iowa caucus too close to call, Pete Buttigieg has slight lead over Bernie Sanders Democrats slam President Trump’s State of the Union speech, charge it was full of lies Frontline communities demand gas plant closures near them, first, during transition off fossil … Continued

The final results of Monday’s Democratic Iowa caucuses remain unknown, with 71% of precincts reporting the final tallies of the first 2020 presidential contest. Senator Bernie Sanders is leading in the popular vote, while former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg has a narrow lead of 26.8% of precincts — the state delegate equivalent traditionally used … Continued

0:08 – Donald Trump delivered a far-right-wing State of the Union address Tuesday night to the House of Representatives, and it was reminiscent of a game show. Mitch Jeserich, host of Letters and Politics, joins us to discuss. 0:34 – Carmen Maria Machado is the author of a new memoir bending genres and perspectives, about … Continued

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