
Government shutdown Day 20: impact on food assistance; Plus: How admin for government assistance makes one company rich

0:08 – Government shutdown Day 20: impact on SNAP / CalFresh (Food Stamps)

Jessica Bartholow (@Jess_Bartholowis policy advocate with with the Western Center on Law & Poverty.

0:34 – San Francisco Supervisors just elected Norman Yee (@NormanYeeSFto be President of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors; he represents District 7. He joins us to discuss his agenda and take listener calls. 

1:08 – LA teachers set to strike for first time in 30 years on Monday Jan 14 – how did we get here?

Dan Barnhart is the Secondary Vice President of United Teachers Los Angeles, the union representing teachers in the LA Unified School District.

Howard Blume (@howardblumecovers education for the Los Angeles Times. He also co-hosts “Deadline LA” on KPFK, a weekly program known as KPFK’s roving eye on the media, state and local news and newsworthy cultural events.

Joe Angeles is President of the New Haven Teachers Association and co-chair of the East Bay Rally for Public Education taking place this Saturday Jan 12 at Oscar Grant Plaza at 12 noon.

1:34 – How one company is profiting off Trump’s War on the Poor

Tracie McMillan (@TMMcMillanis an independent journalist covering America’s multi-racial working class since the late 1990s. In 2012, she published her New York Times bestseller, The American Way of Eating: Undercover at Walmart, Applebee’s, Farm Fields and the Dinner Table. Her latest piece in Mother Jones is “How One Company is Making Millions Off Trump’s War on the Poor.”


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