The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays

The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays – October 11, 2017

Comprehensive coverage of the day’s news with a focus on war and peace; social, environmental and economic justice.

2 responses to “The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays – October 11, 2017

  1. Hey ! arse hat , der fuhrer Trump and your fascist inner circle : the media can say whatever it wants: fake, middling, truth, lunacy (like what comes from you every time you open your mouth) . Don’t you dare try taking our first amendment free speech rights away . If you fascists in the white house, congress and senate censor speech , it’s revolution time . I hope is confined within the white house to capitol hill, cia , fbi areas . But if you send in the military footsoldiers into the civil unrest all over the US they will join us, fight for us and protect us from the sociopathic police

  2. re: The Las Vegas mass shooting at a Country Music Festival . Priority number one , All US citizens must take a free Country Music appreciation class. And you get 3 free credits towards your college education.
    BUT SERIOUSLY : It would not surprise me that the deep state screwed up by backing a crazy white guy in this false flag, gladio attack . Ha Ha the cracka type whites are joining us now, the one and only human race.
    I’m white and love all kinds of music including country music .

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