Pushing Limits

“Healing Homes” and “Tumor Boy”

Head trauma and emotional trauma. . . this week we take a look. . . with hope and humor.

We feature:
“Healing Homes”, a feature-length documentary film directed by Daniel Mackler, chronicles the work of the Family Care Foundation in Gothenburg, Sweden — a program which, in an era of multi-drug cocktails and psychiatric diagnoses-for-life, helps people recover from psychosis without medication or labels.

“Tumor Boy” is the story of John Healy’s experience of being diagnosed with a brain tumor at age 25.  More than a decade later, he gives us the wry, short version.  If you have a head injury, dyslexia, or long, wordy books just aren’t your thing, “Tumor Boy gives you all the fun of reading without having to carry a 3 pound book around for weeks.

This hour-long fund drive special is co-hosted by Shelley Berman, Adrienne Lauby and Sheela Gunn Cushman.


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