Pushing Limits

Living on the Edge of Death (Part One)

Living on the Edge of Death: A Conversation Between Shanti Soule and Stephanie Sugars. Part One.
Two women with only a short time to live talk about the threshold of death, their interaction with the medical industry, the choices they’ve made in the past, their choices today, and much more.

We listen in on the ultimate discussion. Two women, Shanti Soule and Stephanie Sugars, maneuvering along the threshold of death. Shanti Soule was a Buddhist teacher, cook and fierce defender of
rights for all oppressed peoples. She was instrumental in the start of the East Bay Meditation Center, and, until the end, fighting for diversity in the dharma. Stephanie Sugars also is a Buddhist, a disability advocate and a long time cancer survivor. Both women shared a love of nature.

Stephanie and Shanti skate together, living on the edge of death, understanding each other and taking time to explain to us — mere disabled folks not dealing with imminent death — so we could
understand too. In this dense program, philosophy and death intertwine.

Produced, hosted and photographed by Shelley Berman.

Both women have been interviewed on Pushing Limits previously. For details and listening links:
Stephanie Sugars: http://www.pushinglimits.i941.net/?p=41
Shanti Soule: http://www.pushinglimits.i941.net/?p=204

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