Special Broadcast

KPFA Special Broadcast – March 8, 2008

Special celebrating all women by presenting Secret Asian Woman.
What to call yourself when you don’t have a name? That’s what Dmae Roberts grappled with most of her adult life. In a country that likes to think it celebrates cultural diversity, America still has trouble with multiracial people and trying to have them choose one identity to call themselves.

When Barack Obama first entered the presidential race, he proudly called himself Mixed Race. Now you hardly hear him speak that term. Race and identity continue to be a complex topic and as Dmae charts four decades of history, we hear from her perspective what it’s like to be a "Secret Asian Woman."

Secret Asian Woman is a personal exploration of identity and Mixed Race by two-time Peabody-award-winning Producer Dmae Roberts, who has to make a daily decision to reveal her ethnicity.

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