APEX Express

APEX Express – March 31, 2005

Chinese restaurants in the deep South: Can’t get much
better than that if it’s fried in deep fat. Artist Canyon Sam’s exhibit
takes a look at how food, culture, and location may point out a new
flavor. And, the book Can’t Stop Won’t Stop covers the hip hop movement.
Author Jeff Chang talks about Jin and the role of Asians in this cultural
mix. Plus, learn about a discovery that documents Native Hawaiians’ early
desire for independence from US interests & that’s also the subject of a
new work. And, we’ll get an up-date about the recent quake off the coast
of Sumatra, Indonesia. Plus music, calendar and more. And, catch the first week of the month APEX Outha Box hip hop show with Pusod on-air! Contact www.pusod.org to check out all the happenings at this Berkeley API artspace.

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