The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays

The KPFA Evening News, Weekdays – December 3, 2004

More changes in president Bush’s second term cabinet …Health and Human
Services Secretary Tommy Thompson is out, former New York police
commissioner Bernard Kerik is in as Homeland Security Secretary and
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is going to stay on

President Bush’s margin of victory in Ohio narrows but not enough to
prompt an automatic recount. . . . . .in the courts more action to force a
recount sooner rather than later

The deadliest guerilla attacks in Iraq in weeks as militants storm two
police stations and car bomb a mosque in Baghdad killing 30

The U.S. military tells a federal court it will allow evidence obtained by
torture to be used in deciding whether to keep terror suspects in
detention ….such evidence is barred from civilian courts

Locked out health care workers file a lawsuit against Sutter Health and the
agency it used to recruit strike breaking replacement workers

Survivors of the Bhopal chemical disaster in India march to the gates
of the former Union Carbide plant to demand justice 20 years later

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