The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays

The KPFA Evening News, Weekdays – December 1, 2004

The Pentagon says it will increase U.S. troop strength to 150 thousand .in preparation for next month’s Iraqi election. . .soldiers tours of duty will be extended. . .

Jailed Palestinian uprising leader Marwan Barghouti enters the race for
Palestinian president — reversing his earlier pledge to back the candidacy
of Mahmoud Abbas. . .

Texas governor Rick Perry grants a rare stay of execution to Frances Newton,
who would have been the first African American woman executed in the
state since the civil war. . .

On World Aids Day, health experts denounce the Bush administrating policy
on abstinence …in San Francisco, there’s a somber gathering in the Aids
Memorial Grove….

Northern California Sutter nurses and health care workers stage a one day
strike – Sutter says in response it will lock out its workers for five

Dozens of community activists picket outside the former Zeneca chemical
facility in Richmond — concerned that a clean up will contaminate nearby
homes and businesses…

Ohio counties finish certifying the presidential vote.. .an attorney says
he’ll file suit at the state supreme court tomorrow challenging the results

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